September/October 2022 Edition

Wh N ton l Hospt lt Foodservce Expertse For contrct nd self-mned hosp tl t opert ons, DMA’s custom zble, nt onl networ of pr vtel held d str butors offers  focused solut on w th locl mret expert se The servce our foodservce drectors requre You’ll hve the resources of 13 “super-re onl,” pr vtel held, foodserv ce focused d str butors t our f nert ps – w th onl one number to cll You won’t et lost n  se of v ce-pres dents Ech DMA member w ll tret ou w th the focus nd ttent on ou deserve The dded v lue our busness needs Constnt v s b l t nto our suppl ch n The r ht dt to me dec s ons W th our prtner t DMA, ou’ll opt m ze our suppl ch n nd control our costs  Cler v s b l t nto pr c n, nventor , v lb l t nd order h stor  Impctful ns hts nd nl s s to mx m ze eff c enc nd prof tb l t  Tr n n on dt nterprett on, processes nd dec s on-m n  Semless ccount trns t on nd strt-up For tod ’s complex he lthc re envronment You need ndustr experts w th decdes of exper ence nd the n mbleness to p vot qu cl  Cll us tod to see how we cn ddress our suppl ch n chllenes nd del ver  custom zed d str but on solut on



customzed dstrbuton solutons


800 697 0362 | dm delvers com/hcsolutons | 1515 E st Woodfeld Ro d, Sute 820, Sch umburŒ, IL 60173

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