Everyone Should Be Able to Indulge Bake Me Healthy is top nine allergen free so many more people can enjoy baked goods without the added anxiety.
By Alexandra Zendrian
For someone with an allergy, whether it’s to gluten, eggs, dairy, etc., going out to eat or trying to enjoy someone else’s cooking can be anxiety-producing. What ingredients did they use to make that item? Are they really sure there aren’t any allergens in it? A person’s guard goes up being concerned they'll have an allergic reaction, which in some cases can be serious or fatal. That completely takes away from the enjoyment of a food item. After experiencing lactose and egg intolerance and then having to eliminate soy from her diet, Kimberle Lau went from the corporate world of beauty to trying to solve an issue she faced in her life and knew so many others were dealing with. “Anyone should be able to indulge in a brownie,” Lau said. “It’s a great time to be plant-based because there are a lot more options.” For instance, substituting for eggs, there are flax eggs and other egg substitutes. According to the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) group, 33 million Americans have a food allergy. Lau has discovered that more people, and particularly families, have more than one food allergy; given that, it’s very difficult to purchase and make baked goods.
“I’m trying to make it easier for people to eat or indulge,” Lau said. “It’s really heartwarming to bring a smile to people’s faces.” That smile comes from her baking mixes not only being top nine allergen free but also being tasty. After all, “taste is king,” Lau explained. That’s why you’ll find her each week doing sampling and in-store demos, trying to erase the myth that allergen-free can’t be delicious as well. Lau’s goal is to be able to serve one million plus sustainable products; every mix uses upcycled ingredients. Bake Me Healthy’s packaging is also sustainable. This passion for sustainability came from Lau’s creation of a dinosaur from recycled soda cans in high school for a school project. Through her social media and conference circuit presence, Lau has become a go-to for food substitutions and she wants to continue to be a resource in that area. She recognizes in the area of top nine allergen free and sustainable baked goods that she’s also a unicorn. But that’s fueled her to continue her mission and evolve it – she is launching pre-packaged, top nine allergen-free, upcycled chocolate chip cookies.
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