The Standards for Service Excellence The Commercial Food Equipment Service Association (CFESA) is the trade association for professional service and parts distributors. Our members stock Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts – the best for any equipment – with access to an online inventory of millions of parts. Our CFESA Certified Technicians have a higher first time fix rate and ensure our service mark for excellence. The commercial Food Equipment Service Association (CFESA) is the official trade association for professional food service agents. Founded in 1963, CFESA sets The Standards for Service Excellence. Why Food Service Operators Should Value the CFESA Mission I, Eddie Daniels, a veteran in the foodservice industry for over 40 years, have been involved and a part of CFESA on and off over the years. I had the pleasure of learning early on the benefits for service agencies, the technicians, and no less important, those who use the services of the services of those who deliver the needed services. CFESA has evolved over the years to support service agencies in many different ways and with its platform, it trains, mentors, and has created a forum for leaders and management to exchange ideas to make the industry better. Everyone wins with CFESA , as the end useer of services gets a more professional experience from the managment of the service, to the technician that is on the front line, to the ultimate invoicing, the whole expeience is better thanks to CFESA .
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