
SHFM Introduces its New President

LOUISVILLE, KY (September 21, 2023) – The Society for Hospitality & Foodservice Management (SHFM), the only association focused on Workplace Hospitality and Amenities in the Foodservice Industry, has announced its 2023 – 2024

Board of Directors and Industry Advisory Board. Raquel Weiss Fusco, Vice President, Operations & Client Relations, elite | studio e, is the Society’s new president. Eager to meet other industry professionals, Raquel joined the Society for Hospitality and Foodservice Management in 2015, headed to her first National Conference a few weeks later, and quickly became an integral part of the organization. Over the past eight years, Raquel has partici- pated in countless events at the regional and national levels; served on and led a variety of committees; and has spoken on event panels. Raquel sat as the Senior Supplier for the Industry

Advisory Board 2020/2021. In addition, she has assisted in planning multiple National and Critical Issues Conferences and Young Professionals Sessions. Additionally, Raquel was the first Rising Star Chair for two consecutive years. As a result of Raquel’s dedication to the Rising Stars, at the 2018 SHFM Conference, she was presented with the Society’s first Rising Young Professional Award. Raquel’s role with the Rising Stars, and her more recent leadership positions, including Treasurer and President Elect, have made Raquel a tremendous asset in helping shape the SHFM organization. She is extremely excited to see what 2023- 2024 will bring as Raquel takes the reign as becoming the youngest female President of the organization. At elite I studio e, where Raquel is Vice President of Operations and Client Relations, she is involved with nearly every project the company works on. Raquel liaises throughout the design and build processes ensuring streamlined communication between clients, the elite I studio e Project Solutions team, and Design teams.

Raquel Weiss Fusco Vice President, Operations & Client Relations, elite | studio e, and SHFM president


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