1. Look at where you are right now. Where would you place your efforts as a leader? If your leadership was a chair, where would it be? Either it is in the Front-Row (the best!) or General Admission (Not bad, could be worse) or the Balcony (view is pretty bad, looking for other opportunities). You can assess other chairs by this measure too like your health chair, relationship chair, attitude chair etc. 2. Decide what YOUR front-row looks like. Remember, there is no judgement. But, you have to define it first so you know where your energy should go. Once you define your front-row, decision making is easier. When faced with a decision, you simply ask ‘will this get me closer or further away to my front-row seat?’ 3. Set some goals to get there. Set goals based on what your vision is for yourself. If you don’t know where to start, ask yourself what would it take to make your front-row a reality? Then, set a goal to accomplish that. Remember a goal has to have a specific outcome. For example, you wouldn’t want to have a goal to be a better manager. How would you measure whether you hit that or not? Instead, have a goal to promote at least two people in the next 9 months. After nine months, you will either have done it or not
Here’s to living your life exactly how you want it and may all of your seats from here on out be in the front-row.
Marilyn Sherman is a Hall of Fame business speaker who has spent years motivating leaders in and out of the foodservice industry. She is the author of four motivational books and you can sign up for her Front-Row Insights, a weekly video series delivered free to your inbox at www.MarilynSherman.com.
April 25 Young Professionals Summit
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Wasington, DC
RONALD REAGAN BUILDING AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER Washington, D.C. Interested in sponsorship? Download the 2023 Young Professionals Sponsorship Form and return to Michelle Romero at mromero@hqtrs.com.
April 26 Critical Issues Conference
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Wasington, DC
January/February P 75
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